Monthly Features & Specials
Every month Jarosch Bakery offers different products on sale, as well as featuring seasonal items.
January at Jarosch Bakery
Available January 6th through February 1st
January at Jarosch Bakery-
also check out our "Game Day" page!
Custard Ring-- Coffee Cake of the Month- 15% off
Edelweiss- Saturday Special 01/25
Almond Pecan Ring- Saturday Special 01/11
Strawberry Cheese Strip - Saturday Special 02/01
Apricot Ring - Saturday Special 01/18
Cranberry Creme Cake
Lemon Raspberry Whip Cream Torte- 15% off all month
Chocolate Chunky Brownie Cake Square
Face and Iced Snowflake Cookies
SPECIALS- Also check out our Game Day page!
15% off all month!
- Custard Ring: $10.25 (reg $12.55)
- Lemon Raspberry Cream Torte: $24.00 (reg $28.25)
- Cranberry Cream Cake: $14.50
- Face Cookie: $2.10
- Iced Snowflake Cookie: $3.20
- Chocolate Chunky Brownie Cake Square: $4.65